How much is your home worth (estimate)?
How much do you owe on your mortgage (existing or intended, excluding offset)?
How much would you like to borrow from Midkey?
In how many years do you expect to repay your Midkey loan?
Estimate how much your home value will change (during your Midkey loan)
Simple interest rate on your Midkey loan (currently % p.a.)
Property value | End of Midkey loan outcome |
Your property value at start of Midkey loan | $ |
The Agreed Initial Value (after 5% discount)1 | $ |
Your property value at end of Midkey loan | $ |
Change in your property value (during Midkey loan) | $ |
What you will owe Midkey | |
Amount we lent you (at the start) | $ |
Interest payable at end of Midkey loan2 | $ |
Midkey Deferral Fee3 | $ |
Total you owe to Midkey4 | $ |
Yearly cost of your Midkey loan4 | % |
Your home equity (remaining value) | |
Remaining balance on your 1st mortgage5 home loan | $ |
Your remaining home equity6 (estimate) | $ |